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The ROI of AI

  • Discover insights from 800 tech leaders and 1000 workers
  • Understand the common barriers blocking AI adoption and investment
  • Get practical recommendations for improving ROI from AI
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The ROI of AI

Are businesses really AI ready?

AI optimism is high, as adoption ramps up

The financial and productivity potential is huge – as leaders and workers are already generating measurable results from emerging technologies.

But it's time to take a frank look at AI maturity

Without an intentional approach to AI, momentum can easily stall. Tech investments need to be combined with an AI-enabled workforce.

Workforce skills gaps are preventing full ROI from AI

Full return on investment can’t be realised unless teams are enabled to leverage AI responsibly and strategically.

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Featured insights


of tech leaders say inability to fully utilise AI technology is a blocker to further investment


of workers think AI skills will help them to drive more value for their employer in the next 12 months


of workers have received less than five hours of AI training

About the Multiverse ROI of AI report

workers chatting at table

Unlocking AI maturity through workforce skills

As AI adoption continues to rise, we want to focus on the reality of AI implementation – the benefits, the role of workers, and where organisations sit on the AI maturity scale – to identify the gaps and barriers to full AI adoption.

We surveyed 810 tech leaders and 1,190 employees across the US and UK, to assess their experiences, challenges, and future plans.

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