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Bullying and Harassment Policy


Multiverse is committed to providing a  learning and working environment for all apprentices and staff that is comfortable and free from all forms of bullying and harassment. For apprentices experiencing bullying and harassment in the workplace, they should refer to and follow the bullying and harassment policies at work.

Multiverse operates a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying and  harassment and

  1. Any apprentice who is found to have bullied or harassed another  individual will be subject to disciplinary action under the Apprentice Code of Conduct.
  2. Any member of staff who is found to have bullied or harassed  another individual will be subject to disciplinary action under the  Multiverse Disciplinary Procedure that can be found in the Staff Handbook.

All apprentices and staff are expected to uphold the principles of this policy and  to support and promote a bullying and harassment-free learning and  working environment. The procedure set out in this Policy is to be followed by apprentices who wish to take informal or formal action against bullying and/or harassment against  other apprentice(s), or members of staff, or visitors.

It is not possible for Multiverse to deal with allegations against third parties who are not apprentices or staff under this policy. In these circumstances,  apprentices will be signposted to an external service. Multiverse is limited to what action it can take in relation to issues arising  in private residences that have no affiliation with the provider.

If an apprentice alleges they are the victim of a criminal offence, the provider recommends that the alleged incident be reported to the police and strongly  advises that they also inform the provider via the safeguarding lead. Where an apprentice  chooses not to report an allegation of criminal activity to the police, the  provider will consider doing so where the safety of apprentices or staff may be  at risk.

Multiverse reserves the right to amend any provision of this procedure subsequent to appropriate consultation.

Malicious complaints

Where an allegation of bullying or harassment is found to have been made  maliciously and there is evidence to substantiate this, disciplinary action  may be taken against the complainant.

What is bullying

There is no single definition of bullying, but for the purposes of this policy it  is defined as ‘unwanted offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting  behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to  undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient’. It is generally  repeated behaviour (i.e. occurring more than once) which is intended to  hurt someone either emotionally or physically. It is noted that, although  bullying is typically repeated behaviour, it does not always need to be  directed against the same person; it can also originate from more than one  person.

Within this definition, bullying is distinct from vigorous academic debate, or  the actions of a member of staff making reasonable requests. It is also  distinct from techniques used to manage and improve performance, the  distinguishing factor being that these have the effect of supporting and  developing potential or promoting desired performance, whereas bullying  has the effect of undermining, humiliating, or injuring the recipient.

It is also important to note that, consistent with the above definition,  bullying is typically a step beyond simple miscommunication.

Behaviour that may fall within the definition of bullying may include a  combination of the following:

  1. Ridiculing or humiliating an individual.
  2. Shouting or screaming at an individual.
  3. Unwarranted or invalid criticism.
  4. Persistently ‘singling out’ a person without good reason. Deliberately  excluding, isolating or ignoring an individual; encouraging others not  to be friends with them, spreading rumours and gossip, humiliating  someone in front of others, or targeted ridicule.
  5. Physically hurting a person through pushing, biting, kicking, scratching, punching or other forms of physical violence.

The above examples are not exhaustive. They are, however, indicative of  behaviour that is considered unacceptable conduct by Multiverse. As noted below, third parties can express concern on behalf of others.  Please see below on Confidentiality for important notes relating to this.

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is a term used to refer to bullying through electronic media  e.g. virtual learning environment, online, via social networking sites,  messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms. It can be in the form of fake profiles, negative comments intended to cause distress, sharing personal information without permission, stalking, harassment, and  trolling. When sending emails, apprentices should consider the content, language and  appropriateness of such communications. This also applies to text  messages and instant messaging.

If instances of what might be online bullying or harassment are reported  they will be dealt with in the same way as if they had taken place in a  face-to-face setting.

What is harassment

Harassment is defined as ‘unwanted conduct related to a protected  characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity  or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive  environment for them’.

Under this definition, which derives from equality legislation, harassment is  seen to be directed at a person’s ‘protected characteristics’:

  1. Age
  2. Disability (covering physical disabilities, specific learning difficulties  and mental health conditions)
  3. Gender reassignment
  4. Race
  5. Religion or belief (including lack of belief)
  6. Sex (including sexual harassment)
  7. Sexual orientation

Harassment related to these characteristics is unlawful

Harassment can be communicated verbally, be physical in nature, or be  expressed through other means of communication, such as letters, emails,  text messages and graffiti. It may be expressed directly to the individual,  occur in their presence or be communicated about them to a third party. In  most cases, harassment is targeted at a particular individual. Not all  harassment fitting the definition need necessarily be addressed to a  particular individual however: certain situations, such as the telling of racist  jokes or homophobic comments, could also constitute harassment within the  scope of the above definition. 

Behaviour amounting to harassment may include instances of:

  1. Insults, name-calling and offensive language and gestures
  2. Inappropriate jokes
  3. Ridiculing and undermining behaviour
  4. Inappropriate or unnecessary physical contact
  5. Physical assault or threats of physical assault
  6. Intimidating, coercive or threatening actions and behaviour
  7. Unwelcome sexual advances
  8. Isolation, non-cooperation or deliberate exclusion
  9. Inappropriate comments about a person’s appearance, intrusive  questions or comments about a person’s private life and malicious gossip
  10. Offensive images and literature
  11. Pestering, spying or stalking

The above list is indicative, and alleged harassment will be assessed in  context. For instance, it is noted that much humour is by its nature  somewhat controversial, and that the definition of harassment at the  beginning of this section would need to be engaged before implicating e.g.  humour that may address sensitive topics on occasion, but still not fall  within the definition.

Multiverse is fully committed to the principle and promotion of freedom of  speech and expression.

What is sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 (the Act). It is  also unlawful to treat someone less favourably because they have either  submitted a complaint of sexual harassment or have rejected such behaviour. Under the Act sexual harassment is defined as occurring when a  person engages in unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that has the  purpose or effect of:

  1. Violating someone’s dignity, or
  2. Creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive  environment for them.

Sexual harassment includes a wide range of behaviours which may include:

  1. Sexual comments, jokes or name calling
  2. Displaying sexually graphic pictures, posters or photos
  3. Suggestive looks, staring or leering
  4. Propositions and sexual advances
  5. Making promises in return for sexual favours
  6. Sexual gestures
  7. Intrusive questions about a person’s private or sex life, and  discussing your own sex life
  8. Sexual posts or contact on social media
  9. Spreading sexual rumours about a person
  10. Sending sexually explicit emails or text messages
  11. Unwelcome touching, hugging, massaging or kissing
  12. Criminal behaviour, including sexual assault, stalking, grooming,  indecent exposure and sending offensive communications
  13. Coercion

As with all lists in this policy, the above are indicia, and not conclusive  indicators of the proscribed activity.

Sexual interaction that is invited, mutual and consensual is not sexual  harassment because it is not unwanted. Also, relatively modest advances  (e.g. flirting) may not amount to harassment under the definition above, as  such conduct may not meet the level of severity implied by the definition.

An individual can experience sexual harassment from someone of the same  or different sex, and the recipient of the behaviour decides whether or not it  is unwanted. Sexual conduct that has been welcomed in the past can  become unwanted on a prospective basis, although it should be noted that  invited, mutual and consensual activity in the past does not become harassment solely because that invitation is withdrawn. Further activity  might therefore be categorised differently on a prospective basis, but with  due regard to context.

Reports of harassment will be investigated on an individual basis, in  context.

Bullying and harassment procedures

Behaviour occurring in Multiverse that is extreme and/or violent shall be reported directly to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), who will follow the Multiverse Code of Conduct. No  person will be treated less favourably or suffer any detriment for having raised or supported an allegation made in good faith.

If an apprentice believes they are being subjected to unlawful harassment and are in danger, Multiverse recommends that they contact the police. 

If an apprentice believes they are being subjected to bullying and/or harassment it is recommended that, where possible and appropriate, those involved should attempt to resolve the situation informally in the first instance. An informal approach can effectively address the unwanted behaviour without  recourse to formal procedures and can have the advantage of resolving the  situation quickly and with minimal disruption to relationships. It is, however,  up to the individual to decide if this approach is appropriate to their  situation. 

In all circumstances it is recommended that an apprentice who believes they are  being subjected to bullying and/or harassment makes a written record of  the incident of bullying and/or harassment as soon as possible after an  incident occurs.

Written records should be signed, dated and include:

  1. Details of when and where the incident(s) took place (including dates  and times)
  2. Details of the incident(s)
  3. Details of any witnesses to the behaviour

Apprentices may wish to contact the Apprentice Support Team (apprenticesupport@multiverse.io) or their coach to seek advice and support.

Informal individual action

It is anticipated that the informal procedure will result in a positive  outcome, where the parties involved resolve the situation.  Multiverse recommends that anyone who believes they are being subjected  to bullying and/or harassment should speak directly to those involved.  The person conducting the alleged behaviour should be approached at the  earliest opportunity.

When taking individual action, the apprentice should try to:

  1. Pick a time and a place where they can speak privately and without  interruption.
  2. Clearly identify the behaviour that is causing concern, giving  examples and instances of when it has occurred.
  3. Make it clear that the behaviour is unwelcome and must stop immediately. Keep a record of any discussions for future reference

Apprentices who do not wish to speak directly to those involved may wish to  write their concerns down in a letter, addressed to those involved, or seek  third-party intervention.

Informal third-party intervention

If approaching the person directly does not resolve the situation, or is  inappropriate, seeking third-party intervention might be helpful. Asking an  appropriate person who is not directly involved in the situation to speak with  the person may help get the correct message across. Multiverse’s Apprentice Support Team or Coach are  able to advise on who is an appropriate person. 

The third party will seek to resolve the situation with minimal disruption by:

  1. Meeting with the person who has been reported for bullying and/or  harassment to discuss the allegation and refer to this policy as a  means to stop the behaviour.
  2. Facilitate a meeting between the persons involved to discuss the  situation and jointly reach agreement on the way forward, which may  involve ongoing mediation to help rebuild the relationship.

Formal procedures

If the informal procedure does not resolve the matter, or is not appropriate,  a formal allegation can be made.

Formal allegations are made in writing, addressed to Multiverse’s Apprentice Support Team (apprenticesupport@multiverse.io) and  include:

  1. The apprentices personal details
  2. An outline of the allegation (including dates, times and places).
  3. Details of the person conducting the alleged behaviour.
  4. Details of any witnesses.
  5. Details of any informal attempts which have been taken to resolve  the situation and the outcome(s).

If the Apprentice Support Team receives allegations from apprentices about members of staff they must immediately pass them to People Operations.


Apprentices who want information about their concerns to be kept confidential  must make this clear to the person they speak to, including their employer. Apprentices must be aware that in some circumstances it may not be possible  for the information to remain confidential, for example where a criminal  offence has been disclosed and investigation by a third party requires  disclosure of information.

Apprentices must be aware that their request for confidentiality may make it  difficult to investigate and resolve the issues. It is possible for an apprentice to report concerns about or on behalf of another  apprentice. The same considerations apply as to protecting the identity of the  source of the information, while this can be requested, it must be understood that this may impede investigation and resolution.

Reporting and monitoring of apprentice cases

The Apprentice Support Team will share statistical information relating  to apprentice bullying and/or harassment cases on an annual basis to the Senior Leadership Team. It shall be  the responsibility of the Senior Leadership Team to monitor the data and make  recommendations as appropriate.

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