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Software Engineer resume template—Example and how to make your own

By Katie LoFaso

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  1. How important are resumes for Software Engineers?
  2. How to write a Software Engineer resume in 5 steps
  3. Sample Software Engineer resume and template
  4. Software Engineer job skills
  5. Job outlook and salary for Software Engineers
  6. Launch your career as a Software Engineer with Multiverse

Software engineering has long reigned as one of the most in-demand technical careers, and this trend shows no sign of ending. The Bureau of Labor Statistics(opens new window) (BLS) predicts the number of jobs for Software Developers will increase by 26% between 2022 and 2032.

Many aspiring tech professionals start their job hunt by writing a Software Engineer resume. This document showcases your experience, technical skills, and other important qualifications. A strong resume makes a positive impression on potential employers and helps you stand out in the job market.

Below, we break down the process of crafting an effective software engineering resume. We also offer tips and resources to help you become a Software Engineer.

How important are resumes for Software Engineers?

Like most jobs, a resume is essential if you want to pursue a Software engineering career. This document demonstrates your qualifications for a role.

Many employers read resumes first to identify suitable Software Engineers. An effective resume will showcase your practical skills and fit for the roles you’re applying for.

So, what sort of qualifications should Software Engineers highlight in their resumes?

Remember: Software Engineers write code and use computer science principles to design and build solutions. They handle every aspect of the software development process. They may work on data structures, operating systems, software architecture, web pages, and other products.

This career path requires strong interpersonal skills. Software Engineers typically work closely with Product Developers, UX Designers, and non technical stakeholders. They must work effectively with developers to build successful and scalable software.

How to write a Software Engineer resume in 5 steps

Tech companies often receive hundreds or even thousands(opens new window) of applications for every job posting. Recruiters spend an average of three to seven seconds(opens new window) skimming each document to find top candidates. In other words, a well constructed resume is essential to getting your foot in the door for the most competitive roles.

Follow these steps to write a standout software engineering resume that conveys key information quickly.

1. Choose a resume format

There are several ways to format a resume, depending on which qualifications you want to spotlight.


A chronological resume organizes your work history by date. It lists your experience in reverse chronological order, with the most recent experience at the top.

Job seekers often use this format to showcase their career progression. For example, you may have started as an IT Support Technician and become a Junior Software Developer. Listing these roles in chronological order highlights your career growth.


A functional resume emphasizes skills over work history. You’ll identify key skills and list relevant experiences beneath them. For instance, an aspiring Software Engineer could highlight their coding skills and knowledge of quality and security standards. This format works best for people without extensive or relevant work experience.


A combination resume is a hybrid of the chronological and functional formats. These resumes include a prominent skills summary to highlight the candidate’s qualifications. It also has an experience section with a chronological work history.

A hybrid resume spotlights your qualifications while also providing a clear employment timeline. This format is suitable for entry level applicants or those who want to highlight diverse skills.

2. Structure the resume with headings

Resumes include various sections outlining your experience and qualifications. Use headings to distinguish between each section clearly.

Here are suggested headings to include:

  • Executive summary
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Skills
  • Projects

Below, we’ll break down each section in more detail.

3. Review Software Engineer job descriptions

Before filling in your resume, browse software engineering positions on LinkedIn and other job boards. Look for common keywords and skills in these job postings. This research will help you create a list of relevant qualifications and experiences to feature in your resume.

4. Write and format content

Fill in each section of the resume that you outlined in step two. Follow these basic resume rules:

  • Use bullet points to organize information
  • Keep information concise, and don’t write long, complex sentences
  • Maintain consistent formatting for each section
  • Use statistics to quantify your achievements, such as “designed a new user interface that increased conversions by 20%”
  • For most early to mid-career resumes, don’t exceed one page

5. Tailor the resume for every position

Once you’ve created a template resume, tailor it for every application. Review each job posting carefully and incorporate relevant keywords into your resume. You should also adjust your executive summary to spotlight accomplishments related to the specific role you’re applying for.

Sample Software Engineer resume and template

Find inspiration by searching online for sample Software Engineering resumes. Here’s a concise and easy-to-read example from Gergely Orosz's Pragmatic Engineer(opens new window) blog:

If you’re applying for entry level positions, follow this basic Software Engineer resume template:

Contact information

This header appears at the very top of the resume and includes:

  • Your name
  • Contact information
  • Link to your portfolio or personal website

Executive summary / career objective

This two to three-sentence summary explains why you’re the right candidate for the job. It highlights your achievements, qualifications, and career goals.

Here’s an example of an executive summary for a Junior Software Engineer:

“Self-motivated Junior Software Engineer with hands-on experience in full-stack development. Skilled in Java, Ruby, and associated frameworks. Passionate about collaborating with cross functional teams to create innovative web applications.”

Professional experience

List your previous positions, including job titles, employers, and employment dates. If you’re an entry level Software Engineer, this section could include:

  • Apprenticeships
  • Internships
  • Volunteer work

Junior Engineers can also include non-tech jobs with transferable skills. For instance, if you’ve worked as a customer service representative, you’ve likely gained strong problem solving skills.

Educational background

List your degrees, certifications, and other formal education. Provide the institution and the completion date for each qualification.

A self-taught Software Development Engineer could include online courses, a coding bootcamp, workshops, and other educational programs.


List applicable interpersonal and programming skills to demonstrate your suitability for the position. Use the job description to identify the most relevant competencies.


Highlight your technical skills by listing two or three professional or personal projects. Give a concise description and a link to view each project online.

Here are two examples of software solutions that an aspiring Software Engineer could develop:

  • Onboarding redesign: I removed three steps from the user onboarding experience and drove an increase of 15%
  • Mobile app feature addition: I worked on the design and implementation of a new geolocation feature in the company’s mobile app, which improved user engagement by 25% by enabling location-based service recommendations.

Software Engineer job skills

According to a recent Hired survey(opens new window), here are the top software engineering skills to include on resumes in 2024:

  • AWS and other cloud computing platforms
  • Programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and C#
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Frameworks, such as React and Node.js
  • Artificial intelligence skills, such as machine learning and natural language processing
  • Continuous integration
  • Technical leadership and collaboration

Job outlook and salary for Software Engineers

The forecasted growth of the tech industry makes it the ideal time to learn how to become a Software Engineer. The BLS predicts that tech companies and other employers will open over 150,000 jobs annually(opens new window) between 2022 and 2032.

Here’s an example of a basic career progression in this field and the average salaries for Software Engineers at each stage:

  • Junior Software Engineer - $97,000 to $178,000
  • Senior Software Engineer - $150,000 to $220,000
  • Software Engineer Manager - $173,000 to $271,000

Source: Glassdoor

Launch your career as a Software Engineer with Multiverse

The rapidly expanding software engineering field has many exciting job opportunities. Software Engineers can specialize in numerous areas, such as artificial intelligence and game development.

If you’re looking for the best way to launch your career, consider learning how to become a Software Engineer with a Multiverse apprenticeship. Our 15-month software engineering program provides a solid foundation in computer science, data science, and web development you can use to launch your career as a Junior Software Engineer making close to six figures. You’ll learn coding skills, study new technologies, and participate in project based learning. Apprentices earn a competitive salary and gain practical experience while working for top employers — an advantage only offered by the unique apprenticeship structure.

Complete our simple application(opens new window) to learn more. You can also read about how a recent Multiverse apprentice has used their training to launch a successful career.

Katie LoFaso

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