Apprenticeships vs. bootcamps vs. internships: What's the difference?
Bootcamps, internships, and apprenticeships all have a role to play. But which will best support your company’s goals? Over the past decade, the global workforce has gone through a revolutionary shift. Companies are hiring for jobs that simply didn’t exist ten years ago and yet, many early workplace experiences are still defined by menial and often unpaid internships. With the rise of digitization, it’s become clear that most colleges simply don’t teach the practical skills required in the modern working world, contributing to a glaring disconnect between what new workers are learning and what employers actually need.
4 Real ways to embrace equity for women in the workplace
The 2023 global theme for International Women’s Day is #EmbracingEquity. It’s about going beyond equality, wherein every individual is given the same access and opportunities, to embracing genuine equity — which focuses on providing individuals with fair access to opportunities by meeting their needs and counteracting systemic barriers.
Employee digital upskilling: Why it matters now more than ever
From coding to robots and AI, the new world of work requires new skills for innovation. To help keep pace with the speed of change, employers are embracing digital upskilling as essential training to help existing employees evolve their skills and knowledge.